
Welcome to my blog. It's for the "Six Items or Less" challenge. So basically, I choose six articles of clothing and besides underwear and jackets and shizz, I can only wear these six items for two weeks. The original challenge is for a month but this two week trial is for my sociology class. As required for this project, I have created a blog here (taa daa!) and will update at minimum, once a day and have three pictures per week. So that's what this is. Have fun, read my blog if you care about clothing or society and experiments on going against the norm. Or don't. I don't care.

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 14- EndGame

Day Fourteen

It's the last day of the 621, which was a bubbly enough experience, and now I got one of my biggest challenges of the two week period. I was invited to a Hallowe'en party for tonight and I want to dress up some without breaking the 621.

The rundown
Hair: Messy ponytail, bangs around my face
Makeup: Only the dark lipstick and mascara
Clothing: My white jeans and black boat neck top
Shoes: The cool zippered ones
Accessories: My white cat ears clipped into my hair (their white goes is accentuated by the black top) and my black and pink fox tail (their dark color is accentuated by the white jeans).
Jewelry: My dual charmed necklace and my silver ring, my dangly purple earrings, and a white ribbon "collar" around my neck with a little white bow twisted in front.
Other: A few cat toys to bat around.

What I've learned
As I mentioned, this has been a really bubbly (eye opening) challenge and I found it relatively easy, compared to some of my friends at least, but I still learned some.

First of all- not everyone has a stuffed wardrobe. People don't always have choices upon choices when they dress themselves. They might only have six items of clothing, or even less. But you can still feel pretty in six items. You can still make each outfit unique and different and fresh, with some thought and effort. One accessory can transform an outfit and a shirt paired with a new pair of jeans can look like a totally new shirt. It's not always easy to get by with six items of clothing, but it is possible. You can overcome that.

Also- it's hard to be someone you're not. I'm usually in casual clothing and so people overlook me. I'm not being myself in that guise either because I'm not plain or boring or normal. I'm zany and goofy and crazy. But then again, I'm just as out of place wearing nicer clothing. And I'm not even in dresses or anything crazy fancy. Except for the skirt, it's all jeans and a nice tops. But that's still more than I usually do. I've bothered with a little bit of makeup and kicks that aren't falling apart.

So I look better and I'm still not dressed as me (except today, with my cat ears. XD Then I zetta look otaku) but I think I like it better than cargo pants and tees. I got compliments, for one, which are nice, especially when you're not used to them. So I might keep wearing nicer clothing. I have some- I just never wore it before.

Sometimes change is good, even needed, but there is something to be said for things staying the same. I'm not still talking about changing my wardrobe or not. Now, I'm just talking about how secure it is to wear the same basic thing for two weeks. This is going to sound really stupid but you can trust these clothes. You've been through two weeks with them. You know that you can pull them off and match them up with something. You know that you can depend on them. Isn't that stupidly sentimental? But it's true. I feel comfortable in these clothes now. I got a lot of compliments on them; I know they're cute. They feel right against my skin, like you when wear the same piece of jewelry for a long time and then feel weird not wearing it.

People notice change. They like you to fit in with their norms and they'll encourage it at every chance. I wore nice-ish clothes for the first time since middle school, except for some isolated occasions. Me wearing something besides cargo pants or grass stained jeans is something different for me but not so different from people are used to. And now that my clothes are fitting in more , people can't wait to tell me how good it looks. But really, aren't they just glad I'm not sticking out? Not everyone, of course. Some people just like letting me know I look nicer, but people I don't know, don't talk to, argue with at times- they just want me to be less of an oddity.

Things can surprise you. I thought this would be tedious and that I would be yearning for my normal clothes after just a few days. There are some times that I wanted to wear other clothes- but they weren't cargo pants. A black dress with gray floral print, a nice pink and gray outfit that I'll be wearing tomorrow, a pair of blue pants- nicer things than I usually wear. And I didn't really miss my cargo pants, though I did get to wear them yesterday for our first responder drill.

But there wasn't a single day when I seriously considered dropping the challenge and I found it getting easier and easier, not harder, even to the point of boredom. But that's just me, I guess. It's not a boring challenge. It really isn't. But I'm always trying to think up some new things to do- which is limited by this challenge. But, as I said, not to such a point that I became frustrated.

Totus Tuus (Latin: Totally yours),
S. Dorsey, 6th period

featured on theillixer

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 13- Uniformity

Day Thirteen

Okay, what I wore today is NOT part of my six. This has been excused because it's part of my uniform. My dad and I are part of a first responder organization and we had a drill today, which requires a certain standard of dress. Long pants, hard hat, vest, ID card, closed toed shoes, etc. So while I'm not wearing my six today, it's hardly my fault.

The outfit
Hair: In a high ponytail and topped with a green hardhat (oh, so attractive- not). The hardhat is for obvious reasons-falling debris, why else would you wear a hardhat?-and the ponytail is to stop your hair from falling into blood and to keep it out of your face.
Clothing: Pink v-neck tee-shirt, covered mostly by my yellow vest, and the required floor length pants (cargo pants) and thick white socks.
Shoes: White and pink tennis shoes which are now streaked with dirt and fake blood.
Makeup: None. You have no idea how much you sweat carrying a grown man on a littler or running around doing triage or trying to stop a guy in shock from walking into the road. Anyways- so, none.
Jewelry: Again, none. You do not want jewelry snagging on trees or bushes... or screaming people.
Accessories: My vest, my identification card on a green lanyard, triage tape hanging out of every pocket, and non-latex gloves.

Uniformity and Masks
It was so completely odd. Everyone in their cargo pants, tennis shoes gripping the ground and sending up billowing clouds of dirt as we stumbled through the bushes, tee shirts drowning in often too big vests, triage tape spilling out of hands to lay dead and defeated in piles and puddles, "blood" drying on gloves (non-latex, of course), gauze clutched in shaking hands, backpacks full of gear weighing heavily on backs. All the same, all wearing green backpacks with green hardhats and shouting fearfully for backup or immediate transport. 

It's a really bubbly experience; it makes you think. But not only is the drill itself totally eye-opening (I mean, people are "dying" and "dead" all around you and it's panicky and freaky and you have to do everything all at once but you can't). Besides that, if you look at pictures from the event, it's shocking. Everyone's hair is pulled out of their face. Their faces are shadowed by their hard hats, their eyes are hidden behind protective goggles, their mouths and noses are covered with doctor's masks. 

Everyone is grim and if someone were to smile, you wouldn't be able to see it behind the mask. But no one smiles. "Team 2! A bomb has gone off at the [church] picnic, we need you there immediately. Team 1 requires assistance. Call in when you get on scene. Over." Incident Command shrieks over the FRS radios and we go running, making sure hardhats are on securely and guzzling last gulps of water before the drill.

And, especially now that I've seen how changing how you dress can teach you a lot about yourself, I wince seeing the unsmiling people in their uniforms, like soldiers ready to stumble off into war. What they wear says a lot about them. And all it says about them today is: we are serious, we are here to help you, we know what we're doing, you must trust us, let us help you. But all I feel is 'I don't know what to do; what if I miss up?'. But like everyone else, I hide it behind a stern mask. Just like when I go to school, in my nice clothes but really just feel, and act, like my goofy spazzy self.

Sgt symbol, posted on northwestmilitary

And to end on a somewhat lighter note, there was this really cool guy at the drill. He was supposed to be in severe shock and thought he was in the middle of World War II. I went up to him and gave my spiel "Hi my name is S. Dorsey and I'm here with [blah blah blah] I'm here to help. Do you know what happened?" And instead of the typical "I don't know!" most people in shock give, he told me, and completely seriously, this:

"We were bombed! Sir, what happened sir? Where are the other troops? I hear screaming! Is everybody all right?" Later, he asked me what rank I was and when I said "Sergeant " he said he was too. There wasn't any emergency transportation at the time so I told him to stay still, wrapped him in an emergency blanket, and wished him the best of luck. 

Every few minutes, I'd have to look up and I'd catch him crawling to aid his "fellow troops" and I'd have to shout "SIT BACK DOWN, SERGEANT!" and he'd shout back "sir, yes, sir!" and do so. Later, I heard a girl I'd been helping earlier, shout "SIT BACK DOWN, SERGEANT!" and he yelled "YOU'RE NOT MY COMMANDING OFFICER" in response. he was great. XD

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 12-Sorrows and Speeches

Day Twelve

The outfit
Clothing: My blue pencil skirt over charcoal tights and my black boat neck top.
Shoes: My funky zippered kicks, which zetta don't go with anything else I'm wearing but I couldn't really care in the slightest.
Makeup: My dark lipstick. No eye makeup today, obviously; if I'm going to be talking about John to the class, I'd smear it.
Accessories: The dark blue scarf my brother gave me. Sometimes, I shake it out and wrap it around my shoulders so that it's nice and tight and warm and I close my eyes and breath it in and pretend it's really my brother giving me a hug. But then I open my eyes and I'm just looking at a scarf.
Jewelry: The silver ring and dangly purple earrings. My brother's dog tag on a silver chain and the necklace he gave me for my birthday, thick ropes of metal wrapping around each other and clinging to my neck.
Hair: Loose, bangs tucked back behind my ears.

Eye makeup
I didn't wear eye makeup today because I knew I would cry a little when I talked about my brother.One of my friends, who is in the same class, also didn't wear eye makeup today. I warned her. So I wanted to thank Zebwa and everyone else who actually listened, and not just sat there. I wanted to thank everyone who cried (I saw your eyes get wet- Mr. Best Hair!) because that meant you were understanding, not just hearing words. I can't name you all if I wanted to but thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you everyone. And thank you, Mrs. Amy Farrah Fowler, because I would not have stepped forward to do this and it was good for the class to hear.

Dog Tag
Have you ever worn a dog tag and had someone come up to you and shake your hand? Have you ever worn a dog tag and had someone give you a hug in the hallway? It's a truly marvelous thing.

I thought it was funny that I talked about my brother today. First of all, it's the last day of Red Ribbon week. Second of all, it's  26th. My brother was born on a 26th and died on a 26th, though thankfully not the same month.

The folded flag and shell casing from 21 gun salute- photographed by me

Ave atque vale,
S. Dorsey, 6th period

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 11- Compliments and Requests

Day Eleven

"I will do not 'do not weep' for not all tears are an evil." - J.R.R. Tolkien

The Outfit
Clothing: Purple V-neck, white jeans, black socks.
Shoes: the zippered ones. I think they were tied too tightly- my toes feel a bit crunched.
Hair: Loose, tucked behind my ears.
Jewelry: Silver faerie ring and two charmed necklace and dangly purple earrings.
Makeup/Accessories: None.

"When a person is born we rejoice, and then when they're married we jubilate, but when they die we try to pretend nothing has happened." -Margaret Mead

In case anyone's been wondering about my the bracelet: Yes, I once described my typical set of jewelry as my faerie ring, two charmed necklace, and aluminum bracelet. It's been strangely missing, hasn't it? I raved about the perfect trio that those three were and then basically ditched one of them. Well, there's a simple enough reason. I've been wearing long sleeves, which would cover the bracelet, and taking it on and off every day is starting to twist it out of shape. Which I'd like to avoid, for obvious reasons.

"No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear." -C.S. Lewis

I've been getting quite a few compliments on my nicer wardrobe during this challenge. I'm fitting in more and people like that. Besides that and zetta  more importantly, I feel more confident in some of my better clothing. It's not really prissy, for the most part,  but it's unarguably nicer and I feel good in it. Thank, you everyone! Especially Mrs. Amy Farrah Fowler, who stopped me in the hallway to tell me she thought I looked nice.

Though I didn't chose these items because they looked better, I chose them to make things difficult for myself. But that's besides the point, eh? Because I still ended up with a totally unique, thought-provoking, bubbly experience that I'm incredibly thankful for. I know I'm been bitching about the 621 as if it's totally slaggerific but it's really not. It can be frustrating at times and seems pointless at others but the whole time, it's still been a great time. So thank you everyone, and thank you 621!

"If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill

My brother- photographer unknown

Okay. So this is going to be a little less peppy than one of my typical blog rambles. I apologize for that in advance but now you've been warned. Skip it, if you want. Unless you're Mrs. Amy Farrah Fowler, then you can't. But you know what it's about anyways. So it's a simple enough request, on one level, but rather hard on another (like this challenge!) and I don't mind it in the slightest (I am going through with it, after all), but I do think it deserves a mention.

For those following in my class, you all know we just started our "Deviance" unit, especially drinking, underage and otherwise. It started the last ten-fifteen minutes of class today. Lucky me, I even got to be the example of the girl going to a party and drinking alcohol. It's not the first time- in fact, the last time it happened was only a few days after what I'm about to tell y'all about and I stormed out of the Health class.

Anyways, so the drinking unit started and I went up to Mrs. Amy Farrah Fowler's desk and told her that if I ran out of class during this unit, it wasn't because I was trying to be rude or didn't care, it was because I didn't want to barf or cry in the middle of class. And, Mrs. Amy Farrah Fowler, who already knew the basics of what I'm about to tell y'all, told me I could leave whenever I had to, were it to be needed, because she's understanding like that.

And, as I told her while holding back tears after the rest of the class had left, this is my story. My mother, whom I do not live with (so don't worry, folks!) is an alcoholic. It doesn't affect me too much. After all, I don't spend much time with her and it's not like I respected her anyways. Besides, she's not the important person in all of this. She's just the one who gave me an early respect and fear of alcohol. I wasn't one of those people who assumed they were invincible. I've seen her stumbling around and sloshing wine everywhere and saying just absolutely stupid things.

And then, there's my half-brother, John. I found out about him in October of my 8th grade year. We emailed daily, he spent Christmas with my (it should have been his too!) family, and we talked a lot. He had been in the army, had been a 911 operator, and a sheriff. Basically, he was a great guy. He'd had a hard childhood and he'd overcome it- which I suspect is the reason he had a phoenix tattooed on his back. He got out of the army, at least for the time, and spent his time before entering the sheriff's office doing fun things. 

One day (less than a year later, a month before the last day of 8th grade), he and a bunch of this friends got together to swap stories and drink and stuff like that. He was 24 and I would assume his friends were all of a legal age. But that's besides the point. There came a point, early in the morning, that they decided to pass around guns. I guess just to show them off- John was always bragging about his guns. They were drunk by now, very drunk, and didn't think to make sure the guns weren't loaded and that the safety was on. And someone's beer-clumsy finger slipped and it went off. And killed my brother.

I don't know who did it- the gun was in his hands but that doesn't mean he did it, after all. Some people say it was suicide- which I disagree about. You just don't kill yourself in front of a group of friends. Right? I didn't get to the go the funeral and I never told my brother that I loved him. There was never a good time- now it's too late.

"Grief is the price we pay for love." -Queen Elizabeth II

Red Ribbon Week
Because of what I've already stated, I DESPISE alcohol. I... no. I just can't understand any of it. That and guns, but the latter comes up less frequently. Anyways, so this week is Red Ribbon Week, which is for ALCOHOL AND DRUG AWARENESS (all caps because it's that important). Last year the school magazine quoted me in their red ribbon week article. I still have the clipping of the part involving me. Here's one of the quotes I gave for the magazine article:
"People underestimate the likelihood that taking drugs can lead to serious concequences because they think those accidents will never happen to them"

"There is no grief like the grief that does not speak." -Henry Wordsworth

Well, I was already going to wear the dark blue pencil skirt tomorrow so I could be as classy as possible on the last day of the challenge at school. But now that I'll be talking about John, I will be wearing the scarf he gave me to go with it (it's the same dark blue- which is funny because he got it for me because he thought it was purple, my favorite color) and his dog tag. Also- I'll probably wear my phoenix necklace (remember his tattoo?).

"The fear of death is worse than death." -Robert Burton

ave atque vale, frater (Latin: hail and farewell),
S. Dorsey. 6th period

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 10-Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Day Ten

Almost there! The time is just flying, flying, flying by. Isn't it?

The Run-Down
Clothes: Black V-neck top, black jeans. Black socks.
Shoes: My funky zippered ones. I've fallen in love with them.
Makeup: None, not even lipgloss.
Accessories: My pink and zebra print scarf. No one said it looked like I was bleeding from the neck this time so that's good at least?
Jewelry: Just my silver ring. My necklace would have been hid by the scarf anyways.
Other: If anyone wondered about the little wooden box I carried around today... Yes, it does say it holds tea. No, it doesn't anymore (though it still smells good). Remember the little origami stars I told y'all about? I figured out how to make them, constructed a few dozen, and handed them out to all my friends with little star related quotes scrawled on note cards.

photographed for and posted on kraftykid
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
So, first of all, yes, I did learn how to make the stars. I did indeed. Yes I did. In a day. Uh huh. I will give you a moment to shower me with praise. No? Well, your loss. I'm kidding, I promise. Making little paper stars isn't overly impressive and the ones I made kept falling to bits and getting deformed.

It's because, if you didn't know, I hand cut the strips of paper. They weren't the right thickness and the lines are uneven. Which is why I bought strips of origami paper from a lovely lady on Etsy. While hers are also handcut, they're not done in a few seconds with a pair of old scissors while she's walking to the busstop. Or, at least, I should hope not! Anyways, so I'll be getting lots of colored paper to make stars with and hopefully they'll turn out better. I really hope so, since I plan on giving one of my friends a little glass bottle filled with them for Christmas, if I can figure out how to make them all nice and pretty.

My little origami stars are making me into a big star fan. I already had glow in the dark stars in my room (not left over from my childhood, put up this past summer because they're beautiful!) but now I want star shaped earrings (Etsy has glow in the dark star shaped jewelry!) and star stickers on my notebooks. Mostly, though, I just want the strips of paper so that I can make more stars!

Is It Hot In Here Or...
Is it just me or is it BOILING outside. Why the frack is it so bloody hot at the end of October?  Last year, I was shivering as I dropped candy in kids' waiting pumpkin baskets. And now, I'm in long sleeves and dying as I wait outside at the bus stop or sit in my desk at school. It's driving me crazy.

But besides the heat craze? Nothing. Nothing's happening. The challenge is winding down, highly anticlimactic and leaving a sour taste in my mouth. Nothing's new. Nothing's changing. Nothing's different or special or unique or beautiful or anything. I've just been repeating clothing. What's that supposed to teach me? I learned some and I became more confident because now I know I can wear nice clothing... and maybe I'm expecting too much- but I'm largely dissatisfied.

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 09- Twist and Shout

Day Nine

The outfit
I liked my outfit today, actually, one of the few I was like "yeah, I look good" when I looked in the mirror.
Clothes: My dark blue skirt over charcoal gray tights and my black boat neck top.
Makeup: A swish of dark red lipgloss that probably got licked off before I even made it to school.
Jewelry: My silver faerie ring and two charmed necklace.
Shoes: Not quite knee high black boots that have really seen better days.
Hair: Loose, but it had been put in a bun when it was damp last night so that it had some wave to it. Which probably didn't stay. But whatever.

Okay- so yeah, I wasn't as dressed up as I've been during this challenge. I didn't wear makeup, to speak of, or any accessories and I didn't do anything special with my hair. But I felt confident- especially with my black boots on. I love those boots to death-maybe literally. They're a few years old, the toes are scuffed and starting to peel, and the soles are worn so thin that it's like I'm not even wearing shoes. I really love them. Moving on now.

So I'm sitting at my computer drinking water out of an old metal Coca-Cola can. And I can't help thinking-- as I glance up at this computer screen waiting waiting waiting for me to fill it with the text and the stuffed animals and sushi shaped erasers above the computer staring at me, asking me, asking me, asking me "why haven't you written yet? why can't you do one simple thing?" and Ellen playing in the background-- I can't help thinking that, hey, I'm almost done with this bloody challenge and I'm still going strong. I'm on day nine of fourteen. That's like... over half way there.

When I think about it, I'm quite proud. It's not called the six items or less challenge because it's easy and some of my friends have dropped out, while others didn't even try. But here I am, mostly done, mildly wanting to try pretty clothing again (I used to, in middle school, but hadn't again since the challenge), but not overly stressed about it. I don't see it being such a huge hassle to wait. I don't mind the challenge. Unlike some of my classmates, I can do fine with six items of clothing. The thing I'm most disappointing in is the lack of...everything. I wanted more of a challenge. I craved it. Now... now I'm just rambling in blog posts and hoping I'll do okay on the assignments.

featured on foldastar
I don't have any clothing plans, really, for the rest of the challenge. The only thing different is that I want to learn how to make origami stars. So I'll be working on that. XD

Also, as I said, I was feeling reeeeaal nice in my outfit today. I was comfortable and somewhat dressed up and it was good. And then I got to the GSA and the first thing I see is a huge Twister mat splayed out on the floor. I couldn't play twister because of my skirt, but there were other games and besides- it was fun to watch.

I know- OMG. It's short. But I was done.

Wind to thy wings,
S. Dorsey. 6th period

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 08-Purple Haze

Day Eight

The Ensemble
Clothes: My white jeans, which I think are holding up remarkably well, considering they could have stained with the ink that always gets onto my hands or gotten dingy, despite the washings. My purple pullover, which made my theme of the day, apparently, purple.
Shoes: My sparkly silver ones with the zippers with black socks for a more layered look.
Scent: Valerian and lavender, rubbed between my wrists like perfume. It's a musky smell and I absolutely love it.
Accessories: The new hairstick, which will discussed more in the "hair" section.
Jewelry: My silver faerie ring on my right hand and my two charmed necklace, as always, but then also my sparkly purple earrings that dangle almost to my shoulders.
Makeup: Okay, let me start out by saying that I really don't do makeup much so when I try, it usually doesn't turn out well. So after fiddling with a smoky purple eyeshadow and purple eyeliner, I said "screw this!", tossed my hands up in the air, and dusted a sparkly purple eyeshadow across my eyelids (stardust, by Urban Decay, for those who care), slapped on a thin layer of mascara (yes, even after my "mascara" rant), and used the same dark lipstick I've been wearing this whole challenge.
Hair: I saved the best for last! I finally get to wear my beautiful new hairstick! So, first, I had to twist my hair into a bun. I made a bun but I took some of my bangs out so they could hang loose and frame my face. And sine my hair isn't overly long, considering the style I'm trying to pull off, I'm going to worry whenever I wear the hairstick that it will fall right out of my hair!
Overall Style: I'm not totally sure. I mean, I have the fancy earrings and the hairstick and the white jeans are nicer than the black ones, but I also have my casual kicks: the zippered ones. So I don't know how I would describe my style overall, today. Just different, I guess. Hopefully, in a good way.

I got mixed reactions on the hairstick. Most were positive ("Oh, that's pretty!"). Some people were just confused ("Why do you have a chopstick in your hair?"). All I know, is that I found it rather complimentary to my dangling purple earrings. People liked it, for the most part. At the very least, people commented on it and stared at it. And it made it so I couldn't blend into the background.

created by and displayed on magickalgraphics
I'm excited for Hallowe'en. On Sunday, the last day of this challenge, I'll be wearing cat ears and a fox tail. That's as close as I can get to a costume for the costume party I'm attending. Cat ears and a fox tail are accessories, right? And on Hallowe'en itself? I don't know what I'll be doing.

I don't generally wear costumes on Hallowe'en because it was rooted in a very serious holiday. Samhain was a celebration of the god of death, the new year (back before Augustus and Julius Ceasar both said "hey, I deserve a month named after me", there were ten months and the last day of October would have been the last day of the year), and those who had passed away, especially those who had died within the past year. So I tend to wear black dresses, the dark blue scarf my brother gave me, and the necklace he gave me. I tend to treat Samhain with the seriousness death deserves.

However, I am excited for my goofy Halloween party. So, more on that Sunday! Speaking of Hallowe'en! A homeroom teacher of one of my friends is dressing up as a character from the Last Herald Mage trilogy (the one "Tayledras") is from. It's a fantastic series; I think fantasy fans should try it.

One of my classmates, who declined to do the 621, asked me if I had dropped out because he though I hadn't worn my clothes today before. Well, not together, but I definitely had! I think it's cool that the clothing, when put together in a different way, seem like a totally new thing. Something never tried, never attempted. Like snow: unbroken, pure white, magnificent.

S. Dorsey. 6th period.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 07-Gamer Girl

Day Seven

Okay- first of all. This will be a short post. It's hard to talk about sociology when I wore pajamas, curled up on the couch with a controller, and kicked arse on CON RTA for hours.

The Outfit

Clothing: Pale pink pajama pants and a bright blue tee-shirt from the band trip we went on in eighth grade.
Makeup: A pale lipgloss, which did not compliment my skin tone at all. I looked sickly. ... I never thought I would say that. But, uh, it did. The lack of other makeup couldn't have helped. I looked oddly pale, especially after the dark lipstick I've been wearing.
Accessorizes: Does a gaming controller count? A play station 2 controller, for anyone who cares.
Jewelry: Only my silver faerie ring and my two charmed necklace (more on the necklace below).
Other: Only a flesh colored band on my hand aid because I'm a fail and managed to cut my finger when I should have been cutting tomatoes and onions.

Champions: Return to Arms, created by Snowblind Studios

What I've Been Doing Today
Not all that much, actually. I had bagels with my family this morning, then did some chore around the house, watched the Legally Blonde Musical on YouTube ('cuz that's legal, right? Err- maybe?). And then, my dad and I played Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms. It's based in the dame universe as EverQuest and perfectly perfect. I've finished it, with my father or my friends, quite a few times. And I must say that I make a great battle cleric. Oh, and apparently there's a Buffy the Vampire Slayer game for PS2! But that's besides the point. 

The Necklace
The whole I had made in the rainbow colored plastic was uneven and it snagged on the chain a lot, which was fine but sometimes meant the charm didn't fall in the right place. But my father, who thought this through more than I did, was able to add a little metal loop in the hole I had made and now I can wear it much better. Besides that, I think it will hold up better  this way. Thank you, Dad!

And that was it; nothing exciting or sociology-ish. 

Until next time, Champion,
S. Dorsey, 6th period

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 06-Who, Moi?

Day Six

So this is going to be a short one, I think. It's the weekend, which should mean free time, but it also means catching up on tons of homework so this will be actually a normal person sized post, or at least close to it. I hope- I don't have the time to ramble and there isn't much to say. So let's begin, shall we?

How I looked
Clothing:  My black boat neck top, I really do love that thing, and my white jeans.
Shoes: The funky zippered ones- I'm starting to fall in love with these shoes. :)
Makeup: None- I was going to use some light makeup but then never got around to it.
Accessories: None, but my jewelry.
Jewelry: Only the necklace with it's two charms, the little plastic rainbow square and the round nordic charm. Not even my silver ring and aluminum bracelet.
Overall style: It was fairly casual, at least considering what my wardrobe allows during the 621.

photograpged for and posted on elanaspantry

Where I Was and What I was Doing
First of all, I went to my friend's house. She just went through her confirmation ceremony at Church-I don't really understand since I'm not Christian but I am happy for her because she's happy about it-and so her family had this little get-together to celebrate. There was good food, good people, and genuine pride in my friend's accomplishments. So it was pretty fun. My clothes fit in fine there, not so casual that I was an insult and not so formal that I looked completely out of place.
Then we went to go pick out pumpkins and other seasonal gourds. I seemed a bit odd there and I could have changed- but into what? Nothing I had picked out would fit in while gathering up the Great Pumpkin's babies. Pumpkin picking is a very big deal for me. It has to be the right pumpkin. 

Not the prettiest or the roundest or the most orange. But the right one. A few years ago, it was too small to carve and a grayish-white color. The year before that, it was such a reddish orange that it hurt to look at it. This year, the pumpkin is too small to carve-again-and fat and round and a nice perfectly pumpkin color. The pumpkin had two small friends that had to come home with it. A tiny little thing that I can fit in the palm of one hand and an almost teardrop shape green gourd that isn't much bigger.

How People Reacted/What I've Learned
Nothing bad- I didn't deal with many people today, after all. But I did get a surprising reaction. I didn't do much today, looks wise. Minimum jewelry, no makeup, hair loose and honestly more than a little frizzy, simple clothing. I went to my friend's house and she was still in the beautiful purple dress she wore to communion. I told-in ASL, actually-that she looked pretty. And she signed right back that I did too. First of all, I was insanely proud that she remembered how to sign that. But mostly I was confused. I looked good? I wasn't wearing anything out of my comfort zone, like the skirt, and at the time, I was even barefoot. My hair was being a spazz, I was yawning in a way that made my healing mouth ache terribly... and here she was, in a gorgeous dress. I didn't think I looked good. Not bad either, but not good. She disagreed.

I don't know. Maybe it's because I feel more confident in nicer clothes now and I don't feel like I'm a fish out of water and that means even though I'm dressed nicely, I just feel like I'm me. If that's the case, it's a good thing. I'm hoping that's what it is. I think it might be. Maybe I'll find out by the time this challenge is over.

Oh Gods- I just realized. I'm halfway through this challenge. Well, almost. Day six of fourteen. I haven't learned all that much from this thing. And at the same time, I've learned a lot. All I know is- I can't wait to wear bright pink tops and cargo pants and clothes that aren't black, white, or blue at the end of all of this. And I can't wait into Samhain/Hallowe'en. It's what, like three days after this all ends?

Merry meet and merry part,
S. Dorsey, 6th period

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 05-Proud but Pained

Day Five

Mmmm, mmhhm mmmmmn mnnn. Mmm mnmm mmmnmmm mmmmn. Mmm mmh. Mmmhn.

That's right. For those of you who saw me today, I wasn't ignoring you. I just couldn't talk. Yesterday, I got I got some fun work done at the dentist- slicing and dicing, drilling and filling. Remember the friend I was telling you about- the one who I was teaching ASL? It made explaining things much easier, since I couldn't open my mouth at all this morning. Not before the pain pills kicked in.

The outfit
Hair: Down- I'm not dealing with any hassle today. Pain makes me more irritable than I usually am.
Jewelry: My two charmed necklace, faerie ring, and aluminum bracelet. I'm sticking with what I know and what comforts me when I'm in pain.
Accessories: None.
Makeup: None.
Clothing: The purple pull-over. My black jeans.
Shoes: My gray shoes with the zippers- they're both the most interesting and the most comfortable.
Other: I sprizted myself with a valerian and lavendar spray- it's kinda musty smelling and it's not a common scent- but I prefer to fruity perfumes.

created by Nabisco/Oreo to support gay equality

Remember the rainbow necklace charm that I told you about? Yeah, so I've been wearing it since I made it and in the past two or so weeks, I've gotten quite a few comments on it. I think the Pride festival opened peoples' eyes to the rainbowy gay-ness around them. People have been asking me if I went to Pride or if it was for pride and all sorts of prideful questions and, unlike some of the anti-homosexual sentiments at school, I've been given encouraging smiles and kind words. It's hard to be open, sometimes, about anything- especially something as controversial as sexuality. And it's great that people are starting to go "good for you".

Okay- so I mentioned the dentist yesterday. Yeah? So they really decided to make sure I remember the lessons they're trying to trill into my thick skill- and my sore mouth. My cheek/gums blaze like hellsfire whenever I open my mouth or move my jaw. It's gotten better, some, by now, but I couldn't do very much at all this morning. Just signed, mimed, and generally looked like an idiot while my few signing friends translated.

Anyone there?
My stats are reflecting that I've been getting more and more page views but still, I don't have any comments. People have been looking at my blog in Germany, Russia, the United Kingdoms, and the United States. From what I can tell, some of them multiple times. But they're just shadows, ghosts, afterimages, until they leave a response. I don't know what I'm doing well, what I'm doing poorly, what I'm rambling far too much about, etc. Come on, peoples! Let my know what's up, what's down, what's side to side. If you haven't noticed- I'm an odd duck.

The hair stick
I got the hair stick today. And oh my gods, it's beautiful. Abso-bloody-lutely beautiful. If you couldn't tell from the picture, it has "chain mail" flowers-in the most vivid purple I've ever seen-and the stick is comparatively thin, so that it isn't too heavy for my hair. I don't have a ton of hair. I mean, my hair is thick and I thought it was at a decent length but apparently it's not quite long enough for a respectable bun. I can make a bun and the hair stick stays up but the bun is small and the stick looks like it's an awkward length, even though it's really not. That kinda bugs me, actually, but hair will get longer and the hairstick will look more and more natural. Because I do plan on wearing hairsticks more. I know I'll need to grow my hair out more than I'm used to- and more than I really like to. But  I like being different and these are unique and beautiful and I like that they clack when I shake my head. XD But I did not like that they clanked against the metal ankh I have hanging in my doorway, because I thought I had ducked enough but apparently not! I'm currently wearing it with the purple pulloever and it's like the same purple- it's very nice. I can't wait to wear the haistick to school- I think it will take outfits that are starting to get kinda boring and make them more interesting.

Old Navy
Apparently, Old Navy is a big "no no" for clothing. But has anyone seen their newest clothing lines? They're adorable! Okay, maybe I have no fashion sense usually, but I think some of these are both appealing attractive to both me and the prissy masses and they're comparatively affordable. I really like them; a majority of my wardrobe comes from Old Navy- what's so wrong with that?

This one might be a bit short, by my standards, but it's not too bad, and I'm tired. I'm done, for now. I'll talk to y'all later.

Another one bites the dust,
S. Dorsey, 6th period

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 04- Masks, Make-Up, and Mascara

Day Four

Today's Ensemble
Clothes: The white jeans and the black V-neck pullover.
Accessories: Nothing, really. I was going to try to pull everything together but I woke up late and bleary eyed and it wasn't worth it. Besides, black and white compliment each other enough, right?
Shoes: My grandma calls them my "funky" pair. They're the ones with the star shaped charms, zippers, and sparkly gray stripes. I really like them; they're casual but still cute.
Hair: Loose, hair brushing my shoulders, tickling my cheeks, and getting in front of my eyes. But I can't say I overly mind. I'm used to lazy hairstyles and I so didn't have time to think up a better hairstyle.

Don't just scroll through this thinking this is going to be a ramble about mascara brands and colors and styles and shizz. It's not. I promise.

When you put on mascara, you coat each lash with black (or sometimes other colors) goop so that you can make them prettier. Like they weren't pretty enough before and you wanted them to be better so you cover them up, hide them, basically destroy how they looked before so that you can get spiky eyelashes and, sometimes unfortunately, raccoon eyes. Mascara is all about making things better. But not just making them more obvious- like lipgloss/lipstick does. Covering them up until they're unrecognizable. Spreading the goo of uniformity over each lash. You end up with beautiful eyelashes. But they're also fake.

In Spanish, the word "mascara" means "mask". A mask- something you wear so people won't know you, won't see the real you.  You wear a mask so people can't hurt you, be it an actual mask or just a persona you project.

Wearing plain clothing was like a mask for me. It hide me. I'm obviously a very eccentric girl. (Like, nah, really?) but you wouldn't know that if you just looked at my cargo pants and tee-shirts. I could blend in- at least until I opened my mouth. And I relished the sense of safety blending in grants. But if you rely on a mask,  what will you do if/when it crumbles? Then you don't know how to handle the world.

I think I got a bit deep for this post; I'm going to change to a lighter subject.

Choices: The Road Less Traveled By
I woke up this morning, put on today's lovely ensemble, and then stood in front of the huge mirror that takes up one wall of my computer room. I looked okay- not all out, no makeup, no accessories that I don't usually wear. I went back upstairs, just to get my shoes. But then I pulled out a top and a pair of pants, shook out the folds, and went back downstairs. I held them in front of myself, thinking of all the choices I could have if I dropped out of the 621. Skinny jeans or a skirt or cargo pants or dress pants or sweat pants; tee-shirts or nice tops or camis and see-through over shirts. So many choices. But I think I made the right choice: to stick with the 621 and to fold the clothing back up- at least for another week and a half.

Feeling Unattractive
First of all, I have this problem often. I have a crap self image and I've been working on it but I do. But now that I've been spending more time with my clothing in the morning, I can't help feeling a little more stressed about it. Like I have the potential to be very more or less attractive. And hopefully being the former. Also, though, it's hard to feel attractive when dentists shoot you with four times the normal dosage of Novocaine and then rub a funky numbing agent all over your mouth. Because now I'm talking like a drunk caveman-err, drunk cavewoman-and they put so much of the stuff in me, that I'm falling asleep and stumbling around. I can't even walk up the stairs without stumbling! They told me to get sugar and pain pills in my bloodstream ASAP- it's great.

OK- I know that this one is short (by my standards) but I'm exhausted and have other homework. I think I covered everything I needed to and tied my rambles somewhat to the topic at hand.
Lash blast mascara, sold on Amazon

Do you really need a mask?
S. Dorsey, 6th period

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 03- A Combination of Contradictions

Day Three

Bright the Day
I know this isn't the most exciting blog in the world and if you're reading it... well, you're probably only reading it if you're Mrs. Amy Farrah Fowler and you have to. So I apologize for any lameness in the blog. There's only so much I can do to make this challenge interesting.

Today's Outfit
Clothing: Black jeans, the most casual pair of pants I have in my 621 (6 items, 2 weeks, 1 challenge) wardrobe.  A purple V-neck pullover, like the black one I wore yesterday, except, uh, purple?
Shoes: They're sperrys; gray and purple and cute, but I they kill my feet by the end of the day. I haven't had time to break in any of my new shoes so I've been torturing my feet every day this week just so that  I could stick them out and go "cute!". It's atrocious, since I usually wouldn't bother. I feel so not me, and that's the only way I can put it.
Hair: Bangs scwhooped back with a bobby pin again. Okay, so this was my train of thought this morning:
maybe I'll even leave it in this time. But probably not. Actually, watch me decide to leave it in and then it falls out! That would be zetta sadface-making." and then it did just fall out and I was cracking up and everyone was very confused. It was swerval.
Jewelry: My traditional trio first: the faerie ring, two charmed necklace, and aluminum bracelet. Then, the dangly purple earrings. They hurt much less, now that I'm used to them. But they do still hurt a little, at the end of the day; they were fine until noon-ish. And it wasn't that they were so heavy, either, because they're not. It's just that the stem part (is that what it's called? No, probably now. But the wire that goes through the ear) was rather thick. Anyways, moving on.
Makeup: None. Nada. Zilch. Get over it.

For anyone paying attention (okay- nobody), I have now worn all six of my items.

This whole thing seems like kind of a let down, honestly. Maybe it'll become more of a challenge and more life-changing once I get further into it but nothing much is happening now. I wore nice clothes- no one said anything. I don't think anyone's going to say anything about me repeating clothes, either, if they even notice. I guess I'm just too weird on a regular basis and my friend is used to me being odd. They handled me wearing cat ears without batting an eye- so I guess this is nothing compared to that. And that's a little sadface-making, actually. I wanted this to be a really bubbly (eye opening) experience and it's kinda bogus. I'll still do the 621. Maybe I'll get something out of it and, if not, better than a journal entry on presentations. But... I don't know. I'm a little disappointed.

But in contrast- on Monday, I remember standing in front of the mirror in my computer room- one of the wall is just one huge mirror so that you can see yourself head to toe. I was wearing my skirt and fancy top, with tights and cute little wedges. Even makeup. And I was struck by how off it was and I tried to have self control, and act calm and controlled and just not me. I wanted to fit how everyone expected me to be; that is, how they would expect me to be if they didn't know me and only saw me, in my fancy prissy clothing.

But then, by lunch, my friends were like "You okay?" and no, I wasn't: I was pretending to be someone I wasn't and I didn't know why and it was really starting to zronk (annoy) me. But then they all laughed at me and told me that I can look different than who I am but not necessarily be different. So even though I wore clothing the past two days that were more formal/fancy/nice than I usually wear, I still remained my goofy, loud, slap-happy self. Because why should a stranger's opinion of me matter more than my own opinion of myself? It shouldn't. So I just decided that I wouldn't let it and I acted like myself again- and I'm just really glad I decided that. It's freeing. Very bubbly-esque.

So, okay, even if I was a little unimpressed with other people's reactions to the 621, I found it interesting to learn more about my self and that's more important, after all.

Hot Chocolate
One of my friends bought me a hot chocolate this morning (I love the school's hot chocolate!) and I must say I think I look quite striking in my black jeans, bright purple pullover, with a hot chocolate wafting its deliciously scented steam under my nose. Maybe that sounds stupid- or pretentious. But you wouldn't want me to lie, eh?
Hot cocoa clip art by clipartof

Set Phasers to Stun(ning)!
Okay, crappy pun aside- I don't know if what I'm about to say has all that much to do with the 621, besides the fact that I chose nicer clothing for my six items, but I do think it deserves a mention. I've been thinking of what I'm going to wear after the 621 is over- not in a "I can't wait for clothing freedom!" kind of way- at least, not yet. Just that I've been wondering if I'm going to go back to the same, ultra-casual clothing.

I don't think skirts are going to become an integral part of my wardrobe, of course, but I might wear skinny jeans, for example, instead of my typical frayed pair of jeans. Maybe I could get rid of the tee-shirts and try some new pullovers and boat necked tops. Or at least v neck tees- I don't need to dress like a guy- it's just what I've always done. I've never had a problem blending into the shadows- dress wise, that is. In fact, I love the looks on people's faces when they expect some shy little underclassmen with boyish clothing and get me- loud, laughing, excited, trying to do a hundred things all right now.

But wanting to change- isn't that odd? I've never liked change. Ever. I think that change is good and necessary but that doesn't mean that I necessarily welcome it. My mother likes change- she redecorates a lot, she enjoys moving. And that's not bad, of course, it's just not me. I enjoy stability and structure and things that change doesn't allow me to obtain easily. But here I am, diving into this. Ok- so that sounds a little melodramatic. I'm not getting a tattoo- so it's not like it's overly permanent. And it's not a big deal, right? It's just a wardrobe.

But that's just not true. A wardrobe is never just a wardrobe. Especially for teenagers. Especially for girls. Being casual meant I didn't have to follow trends. If I way behind, that's because I chose to be separate from the system. But if I try and can't cut it, then that's a whole 'nother story.

Besides, what you wear tells a lot about someone. Mostly, in my opinion, because we let other people expectations of us shape us. And why? So we can be normal. But wouldn't that just be so boring? Every kid in the same skinny jeans and funky shirts? What's so wrong with wanting to abnormal? Or wanting to look "normal" and act like yourself- kooky and wild and zany and swerval? Nothing, in my opinion. But what's my opinion worth? I'm just a girl, pretending to be girly, trying to stay herself, and fighting against other peoples' misconceptions. But what do I know about the situation? I'm only living it, right?

Furthermore- it's not like I'm going to dedicate myself to fashion and fads and that rot. That sort of thing might be important to someone else and they might really really care about image- or just like the clothing. And for them, that's fine. But I'm not them. If I wear skinny jeans, it won't be because it's fashionable. If I wear a funky new top, it won't be because other people will think it's "cool". I don't care what they think, for the most part.

Everyone wants to be appreciated, but I'd rather be appreciated for my humor or intelligence or my writing skills or anything else. So I'll wear new clothing after the 621 is over. But it'll be because I like it, not because the masses might. If our likes match up, fine. Great. But I'm wearing "fashionable" clothes because I want to. This school year, I haven't had time to do things just because I wanted to. And I really miss that. So I'm going to mix things up. I might not like change- but other people can't stand it. And I want to watch the chaos. And... I don't know. I want to feel pretty.

I don't feel pretty about myself. I might not be the traditional beauty. And I'm okay with that but I still want to feel pretty. I don't need to be gorgeous to have a good self image. Sadly- I don't. I wear clothes that let me blend in because I'm terrified of standing out. But I do- in everything, I'm different. I love that about myself. But I don't want to be different because of my looks. I didn't want to draw attention to the unattractive, overweight, just plain ugly girl that I thought-and maybe still think, sometimes- I was. But I wasn't getting anywhere. I was always trying to blend in and look prettier. But I don't need to stress to look prettier, I need to care, maybe, about what I wear or how I do my hair or if I wear makeup- but that's not the same thing. Right?

I'm trying new hairstyles to find one I like. Remember the hair sticks I showed y'all last time? But I still need to grow my hair out a few more inches; it'll work but it won't look as good at the moment. I might wear makeup. Okay, probably not. Maybe lipgloss or lipstick or something like that.

But I got new clothes recently, the kind you can't even put up on a hanger- you have to fold them neatly and put them in drawer. Which means I'm going to have to take the random crap out of my dresser (the harry potter wand, the maurders map, the papyrus from Egypt, the books, notebooks, loose papers, other random shizz). And I'll probably end up going through my wardrobe. Getting rid of the clothing I haven't worn in ages. Toss all the stained, ripped tee-shirts (except a couple for yardwork), reorganize my closet. At the moment, everything is in ROYGBIV order, which I love, but isn't overly practical since the shirts and pants are all next to each other. I got the new shoes, which y'all have already heard about in detail- maybe too much detail? Sorry Mrs. Amy Farrah Foweler! I don't mean to make you read this much- I just can't shut up!

I'm sure there were a ton of contradictions in that rant there and I'm sorry. I can't fix them because my thoughts are so contradictory at the moment. I can't get them to call their arses down and let me sort through them.

About my slang
If you can't figure it out, I've probably explained it before and expect you to know it by now. I'm not going to translate the darn word every time if I say it every day here, okay? That would be stupid. If you can't remember, context clues fail you, and you just must know... chillax, first of all. Press "Ctrl" and "F" at the same time; you'll get the "find" box. Type the word in and then scroll down with it until you find a time when I "translated" for you.But, seriously, you ought to know some of these by post six. Like...
Zetta (really, very, a lot, mega, uber, etc)
Slaggerific (Lame, bogus, suckith)
The 621 (this! Six items, two weeks, one challenge)
Swerval (awesome, fantastic, bubbly, etc)
Bubbly (no, it hasn't come up before this post; I didn't expect people to know this one; it means "eye-opening", basically, if you've read the Uglies trilogy, you probably understand)
My friends say I need to write a dictionary for my eclectic vernacular. Most of this was stolen from books, video games, etc. If I find a word I like, I'll just take it. I've even integrated Tayledras, a fictional language in the Velgarth books by Mercedes Lackey, into my friend's slang. Don't you feel bad for my friends now?

Eeeek, eeek, red alert, red alert
Some links are showing up, at least on my computer, in my posts but I did NOT put those links in there. I don't know why; if Blogger is doing it or it's a problem with google Chrome or what. But they're gibberish. Don't bother with them. There are a lot of links that I DO put in there to help clarify points or give credit. So how do you tell the difference? If you scroll over the link, the URL should show in the bottom left corner of your screen. If the URL starts with "securelink.sendori", then I did NOT put it in there; don't click on it, kay?

But, as you nod off to sleep from how boring and long this post is, I want to reiterate: I'm still going to the same derpy spazzy me. I'll still do the time warp with my friends when school's out, still struggle with ASL, still hum my original songs as I walk down the hallway. Speaking of my songs, here's one that I think matches my self image rant earlier: "All the things I wish I'd done/ the battles I'd lost but could have won/ all the things I never said/ and all the lies I told instead. Each day a misstep in life's cruel dance/ each day just another wasted chance/ each day something new to correct/ 'cuz I need to be absolutely perfect". (Obviously, that wasn't the WHOLE song, it was only the first two stanzas. And I know it's not very good. Get over it; y'all do better).

Zhai'helleva (Wind to thy wings),
S. Dorsey, 6th period

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 02- A Happy Medium

Day Two

Ok- So I obviously can't be as casual as I normally am-my wardrobe is not equipped for it- but it's not like I'm going to be in a skirt every day. So today was more of a happy medium. It was casual but still nice- not sloppy like I usually prefer.

Do people even care? I mean, honestly! My friends quirked an eyebrow on the first day and then promptly decided it was just me being weird and no one mentioned it today. Well they're right, I guess. It is just me being weird. But still- I kinda wish someone would spend a minute to wonder about the sudden change. To mention it. I don't know why. I usually don't care about what people say or think. But here, because I'm putting myself out for people, I kinda want them DO something about it! I'm wearing my arse off to get everything bloody perfect and here they all are, totally icing (ignoring) me! Come on, people! Say something! Urgh. Whatever- moving on.

The run down!

Clothes: A black V-neck pullover topped with a pink splashed zebra print scarf, and white jeans.
Shoes: I really like the shoes; they have cute little star shaped charms and zippers (that don't help in the slightest, but whatever) and they glitter but not in an obnoxious "LOOK AT ME" kind of way.
Jewelry: My standard: the aluminum bracelet, silver ring, and the two charmed necklace- though the scarf basically covers it. (Speaking of necklaces- one of my friends is apparently allergic to hers but she doesn't want to stop wearing the darn thing even though it's making all around her neck green and black and slimy. Bleck. Hope you weren't about to eat something when I said that!). No earrings- the purple ones yesterday where rather large and my ears are a bit sore.
Make up: Mascara and the same "Too Faced: Celebrity Meltdown" lipstick. It stays well and it's a nice, deep color.
Hair: Hair down but with the bangs pulled to the side with a bobby pin. Simple and neat; not as formal as mt pulled back hair yesterday or a bun and not as casual as a ponytail or with my hair completely loose. But who am I kidding- it's pretty casual. And, actually, by the end of lunch I was like "nuh-uh", wrestled the bobby pins from my hair, and tossed them into my bag, which faithfully ate them up and will never spit them back out again.
Other: A sticker, which I got from the GSA, which proudly (get it? Pride? Haha?) "Obama Pride: LGBT" with a cute little rainbow thingie that's actually not overly cute and honestly a little boring but whatever.

Also! About the scarf!
 It's black and white (duh- zebra print) but has part of it dyed deep ink. Apparently, when that part is next to my neck and not hanging low, it looks like I'm bleeding from my neck- like in a Japanese horror movie. You know the ones, right? Where the voice overs are seconds away from what the people are saying and blood seems to splurt from severed body parts for minutes upon minutes until the poor actor just stumbled to his knees, curses out his attacker, and dies. (Speaking of cursing out his attacker... You know the old cartoon series kids could watch on "boomerang"? Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner or something? And how the roadrunner would say "meep meep!" whenever the coyote was chasing it and then dashed off faster than the speed of light? Yeah- so I always though the roadrunner was cursing out the coyote and they had to bleep it- even back when I was a little kid. Which I guess means I was an odd little kid if I thought children's show was full of cursing cartoon characters but... whatever. Poe and Stephen King were my  bedtime stories (legit!), if that tells you anything about me.)

And about my long sleeves
First of all, it's bloody cold at the bus stop and I'm NOT going to lug a heavy jacket around the school all day- I'll probably lose it. But that's besides the point. I'm glad that I'm wearing long sleeves because I'm been working more on my ASL (for those of you who don't know, that means American Sign Langauge; you can take online lessons or use a video dictionary at lifeprint. It's a great site, created by Bill Vicars- and I've been using it pretty extensively for over a year but just settled in to the lessons recently. In fact- I've started teaching some of my friends!) Anyways- in case you don't understand how that's relevant... I like to wear bracelets, especially metallic ones that glint in the light, and sparkly rings. Do you have any idea how distracting it is to see a ring glint on someone's finger when you're trying to sign with them? It's zetta (really) hard. So even though my sleeves won't hide a ring, they do cover bracelets and I can take the ring off. So, yeah, I'm glad about that.

Sneak Peek!
Well, I know you're all on the edge of your seats waiting to see what my next outfit is going to be (not) so here's a sneak peek. Not of my next ensemble- you're just going to have to wait for that! I know, poor you! And I got your hopes up and everything. But I do have something to show you. Like the cat ears, I found another beauty on the wonderful etsy. Remember the cat ears by FiveLeafClover? Well I found a hair stick (the kind you stick through buns), topped with beautiful purple metal flowers. I don't know if I'll get it in time to wear during the 621 (this is going to be one of the last times I explain this- the 621 is short for the six items, two weeks, one challenge. Which I plaster all over this darn blog so if you haven't figured it out yet- just smile and nod!) but I hope I get it in time. If not, I'm still excited to get it at all!

created and photographed by MoonHawkCreations

So I'll see y'all tomorrow
Until then,
S. Dorsey, 6th period

Post Scriptum: 
[jumps up and down like a spazz}

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 01-Invasion of the Pod Person


Hey- welcome back to my blog!

Who are you and what have you done with my friend?
No, guys, don't worry. I haven't been switched with a pod person. I just decided that if I wanted to get reactions from people for this assignment, I would go all out. After this is over, I don't know how I'll dress. All I know it will be hard for me not to become more self aware during the next two weeks when I constantly have to think about how I look and how others will perceive me.

On that note- I'm usually very hyper and goofy. I don't know how easy it will be for me to act like my normal laughing-at-everything, talking animatedly and gesticulating self when I'm wearing prissy, for lack of a better word, clothing. I have a black pair of jeans in my six items that are more casual but my skirt is obviously not casual and my white jeans, when paired with the tops I'm using, aren't overly casual either.

It's a social experiment inside a social experiment inside a social experiment inside a social experiment! 
Firstly- It's the 621 (six items, two weeks, one challenge), which is a social experiment and an opportunity for self awareness. Then it's me wearing things I don't usually, trying to see how hard it is to have to pretend to be someone you're not, even if just for two weeks. And then it's also how everyone else perceives me while I'm dressed differently. And THEN, last but not least, it's how hard it is to act differently than people expect you to.

It was a school day, obviously, so I interacted with people who know how I generally dress. I think I've probably skewed the whole experiment, though, since I completely changed my clothing style for the two week period. But I've committed myself to my six items, so I'll have to deal with that. Besides, at least I'll have something to talk about and I wouldn't otherwise.

What I expected
Basically? I thought everything would be very, very odd. I would wear my new clothing and my friends would either laugh their arses off or tell me how different I looked- as if I couldn't figure that one out for myself. My teachers wouldn't say anything about it, unless to compliment the outfit, which I guess it possible. But I'd feel self conscious and like a fish out of water.

What happened
So, my friends were confused. Some were more polite about their inquires than others but no one laughed or said anything critical about my choice. For the most part, they gave me a raised eyebrow, shrugged, and then said "Just another one of her weird things" and went on with their lives- which I much appreciate. I could pass it off to some people simply with "It's for a Sociology project" since Sociology and Psychology seem to be just classes full of crazy people, as far as the underclassmen masses are concerned. People that I haven't talked to since grade school made sure to compliment my outfit, while people I wish I haven't talked to since grade school sneered down their noses at me. And why? Because I did something that was different. It wouldn't have been out of place on someone else but it was on me and they didn't like that. Isn't change good?
Without change, there would be no butterflies.

Okay, and now for the rundown

Clothing: I wore my dark blue pencil skirt over charcoal gray tights and my black wedges and finished the ensemble with my black boat neck top.

Jewelry: Because my top is long sleeved, I was able to wear my aluminum bracelet, which didn't quite match the fancy clothes, without people seeing it. I also wore my standard faerie ring on my right hand but I didn't wear my normal necklace. Instead, I showed off the thick, coiled necklace my brother gave me a couple of years ago.

Makeup: I applied a light layer of mascara-which is more than I usually do-and dark lipstick, Too Faced: "Celebrity Meltdown".

Hair: I pulled my bangs back and twisted them into a mini-ponytail just to get them out of my way, except for one of my blonde streaks, which I twisted around my finger when it was damp so that it had a little bit of wave to it.

Other: My nails were uneven and I didn't want to spend the time filing them so I cut them all to the same length and left them unpainted- I might paint them purple when I wear the purple sweater but probably not- it's too much of a pain to paint my right hand.
Purple Nail Polish- noisy post

It's like I was in bizarro world this whole time. Up was down and down was up and I was in pretty clothes: girl clothes, a skirt! Like maybe I should have started this out with "goodbye" instead of "hello".

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 00- A juxtaposition

Day Zero

I know that the six items or less challenge doesn't start until Monday (tomorrow) but I wanted to write a short post about what I usually wear so that people can get more of a feel for my normal style, since I'm going so against it for the next two weeks. So here's what I'm wearing today, as a decent example of my normal style.

Clothing: Cargo pants that fall to my ankles and an Old Navy tee-shirt. The shirt is short sleeved, has a neckline that high, close to my neck, and kind of an odd green color.
Makeup: None. I don't generally wear makeup.
Hair: Loose at the moment, though it will be twisted up into a messy ponytail before I drive to get it out of my face.
Shoes: Tennis shoes- white Nikes with pink soles- and white socks.
Jewelry: My normal necklace with its two charms, my aluminum bracelet, my same faerie ring. The only jewelry I'm wearing that isn't part of my normal set is the funky wooden bracelet I told you about, the one with the animal prints painted on it. It feels odd around my wrist because I'm not used to its weight or texture or how it gets in the way when I want to write. If I feel out of balance just with a new bracelet, I can only imagine how I'm going to feel when I'm wearing all new fancy clothing to school.

Nike Air- photographed by sneakersbasketball

Well, until tomorrow!

Dorsey, 6th period