
Welcome to my blog. It's for the "Six Items or Less" challenge. So basically, I choose six articles of clothing and besides underwear and jackets and shizz, I can only wear these six items for two weeks. The original challenge is for a month but this two week trial is for my sociology class. As required for this project, I have created a blog here (taa daa!) and will update at minimum, once a day and have three pictures per week. So that's what this is. Have fun, read my blog if you care about clothing or society and experiments on going against the norm. Or don't. I don't care.

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 07-Gamer Girl

Day Seven

Okay- first of all. This will be a short post. It's hard to talk about sociology when I wore pajamas, curled up on the couch with a controller, and kicked arse on CON RTA for hours.

The Outfit

Clothing: Pale pink pajama pants and a bright blue tee-shirt from the band trip we went on in eighth grade.
Makeup: A pale lipgloss, which did not compliment my skin tone at all. I looked sickly. ... I never thought I would say that. But, uh, it did. The lack of other makeup couldn't have helped. I looked oddly pale, especially after the dark lipstick I've been wearing.
Accessorizes: Does a gaming controller count? A play station 2 controller, for anyone who cares.
Jewelry: Only my silver faerie ring and my two charmed necklace (more on the necklace below).
Other: Only a flesh colored band on my hand aid because I'm a fail and managed to cut my finger when I should have been cutting tomatoes and onions.

Champions: Return to Arms, created by Snowblind Studios

What I've Been Doing Today
Not all that much, actually. I had bagels with my family this morning, then did some chore around the house, watched the Legally Blonde Musical on YouTube ('cuz that's legal, right? Err- maybe?). And then, my dad and I played Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms. It's based in the dame universe as EverQuest and perfectly perfect. I've finished it, with my father or my friends, quite a few times. And I must say that I make a great battle cleric. Oh, and apparently there's a Buffy the Vampire Slayer game for PS2! But that's besides the point. 

The Necklace
The whole I had made in the rainbow colored plastic was uneven and it snagged on the chain a lot, which was fine but sometimes meant the charm didn't fall in the right place. But my father, who thought this through more than I did, was able to add a little metal loop in the hole I had made and now I can wear it much better. Besides that, I think it will hold up better  this way. Thank you, Dad!

And that was it; nothing exciting or sociology-ish. 

Until next time, Champion,
S. Dorsey, 6th period

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