
Welcome to my blog. It's for the "Six Items or Less" challenge. So basically, I choose six articles of clothing and besides underwear and jackets and shizz, I can only wear these six items for two weeks. The original challenge is for a month but this two week trial is for my sociology class. As required for this project, I have created a blog here (taa daa!) and will update at minimum, once a day and have three pictures per week. So that's what this is. Have fun, read my blog if you care about clothing or society and experiments on going against the norm. Or don't. I don't care.

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 09- Twist and Shout

Day Nine

The outfit
I liked my outfit today, actually, one of the few I was like "yeah, I look good" when I looked in the mirror.
Clothes: My dark blue skirt over charcoal gray tights and my black boat neck top.
Makeup: A swish of dark red lipgloss that probably got licked off before I even made it to school.
Jewelry: My silver faerie ring and two charmed necklace.
Shoes: Not quite knee high black boots that have really seen better days.
Hair: Loose, but it had been put in a bun when it was damp last night so that it had some wave to it. Which probably didn't stay. But whatever.

Okay- so yeah, I wasn't as dressed up as I've been during this challenge. I didn't wear makeup, to speak of, or any accessories and I didn't do anything special with my hair. But I felt confident- especially with my black boots on. I love those boots to death-maybe literally. They're a few years old, the toes are scuffed and starting to peel, and the soles are worn so thin that it's like I'm not even wearing shoes. I really love them. Moving on now.

So I'm sitting at my computer drinking water out of an old metal Coca-Cola can. And I can't help thinking-- as I glance up at this computer screen waiting waiting waiting for me to fill it with the text and the stuffed animals and sushi shaped erasers above the computer staring at me, asking me, asking me, asking me "why haven't you written yet? why can't you do one simple thing?" and Ellen playing in the background-- I can't help thinking that, hey, I'm almost done with this bloody challenge and I'm still going strong. I'm on day nine of fourteen. That's like... over half way there.

When I think about it, I'm quite proud. It's not called the six items or less challenge because it's easy and some of my friends have dropped out, while others didn't even try. But here I am, mostly done, mildly wanting to try pretty clothing again (I used to, in middle school, but hadn't again since the challenge), but not overly stressed about it. I don't see it being such a huge hassle to wait. I don't mind the challenge. Unlike some of my classmates, I can do fine with six items of clothing. The thing I'm most disappointing in is the lack of...everything. I wanted more of a challenge. I craved it. Now... now I'm just rambling in blog posts and hoping I'll do okay on the assignments.

featured on foldastar
I don't have any clothing plans, really, for the rest of the challenge. The only thing different is that I want to learn how to make origami stars. So I'll be working on that. XD

Also, as I said, I was feeling reeeeaal nice in my outfit today. I was comfortable and somewhat dressed up and it was good. And then I got to the GSA and the first thing I see is a huge Twister mat splayed out on the floor. I couldn't play twister because of my skirt, but there were other games and besides- it was fun to watch.

I know- OMG. It's short. But I was done.

Wind to thy wings,
S. Dorsey. 6th period

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