
Welcome to my blog. It's for the "Six Items or Less" challenge. So basically, I choose six articles of clothing and besides underwear and jackets and shizz, I can only wear these six items for two weeks. The original challenge is for a month but this two week trial is for my sociology class. As required for this project, I have created a blog here (taa daa!) and will update at minimum, once a day and have three pictures per week. So that's what this is. Have fun, read my blog if you care about clothing or society and experiments on going against the norm. Or don't. I don't care.

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 06-Who, Moi?

Day Six

So this is going to be a short one, I think. It's the weekend, which should mean free time, but it also means catching up on tons of homework so this will be actually a normal person sized post, or at least close to it. I hope- I don't have the time to ramble and there isn't much to say. So let's begin, shall we?

How I looked
Clothing:  My black boat neck top, I really do love that thing, and my white jeans.
Shoes: The funky zippered ones- I'm starting to fall in love with these shoes. :)
Makeup: None- I was going to use some light makeup but then never got around to it.
Accessories: None, but my jewelry.
Jewelry: Only the necklace with it's two charms, the little plastic rainbow square and the round nordic charm. Not even my silver ring and aluminum bracelet.
Overall style: It was fairly casual, at least considering what my wardrobe allows during the 621.

photograpged for and posted on elanaspantry

Where I Was and What I was Doing
First of all, I went to my friend's house. She just went through her confirmation ceremony at Church-I don't really understand since I'm not Christian but I am happy for her because she's happy about it-and so her family had this little get-together to celebrate. There was good food, good people, and genuine pride in my friend's accomplishments. So it was pretty fun. My clothes fit in fine there, not so casual that I was an insult and not so formal that I looked completely out of place.
Then we went to go pick out pumpkins and other seasonal gourds. I seemed a bit odd there and I could have changed- but into what? Nothing I had picked out would fit in while gathering up the Great Pumpkin's babies. Pumpkin picking is a very big deal for me. It has to be the right pumpkin. 

Not the prettiest or the roundest or the most orange. But the right one. A few years ago, it was too small to carve and a grayish-white color. The year before that, it was such a reddish orange that it hurt to look at it. This year, the pumpkin is too small to carve-again-and fat and round and a nice perfectly pumpkin color. The pumpkin had two small friends that had to come home with it. A tiny little thing that I can fit in the palm of one hand and an almost teardrop shape green gourd that isn't much bigger.

How People Reacted/What I've Learned
Nothing bad- I didn't deal with many people today, after all. But I did get a surprising reaction. I didn't do much today, looks wise. Minimum jewelry, no makeup, hair loose and honestly more than a little frizzy, simple clothing. I went to my friend's house and she was still in the beautiful purple dress she wore to communion. I told-in ASL, actually-that she looked pretty. And she signed right back that I did too. First of all, I was insanely proud that she remembered how to sign that. But mostly I was confused. I looked good? I wasn't wearing anything out of my comfort zone, like the skirt, and at the time, I was even barefoot. My hair was being a spazz, I was yawning in a way that made my healing mouth ache terribly... and here she was, in a gorgeous dress. I didn't think I looked good. Not bad either, but not good. She disagreed.

I don't know. Maybe it's because I feel more confident in nicer clothes now and I don't feel like I'm a fish out of water and that means even though I'm dressed nicely, I just feel like I'm me. If that's the case, it's a good thing. I'm hoping that's what it is. I think it might be. Maybe I'll find out by the time this challenge is over.

Oh Gods- I just realized. I'm halfway through this challenge. Well, almost. Day six of fourteen. I haven't learned all that much from this thing. And at the same time, I've learned a lot. All I know is- I can't wait to wear bright pink tops and cargo pants and clothes that aren't black, white, or blue at the end of all of this. And I can't wait into Samhain/Hallowe'en. It's what, like three days after this all ends?

Merry meet and merry part,
S. Dorsey, 6th period

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