
Welcome to my blog. It's for the "Six Items or Less" challenge. So basically, I choose six articles of clothing and besides underwear and jackets and shizz, I can only wear these six items for two weeks. The original challenge is for a month but this two week trial is for my sociology class. As required for this project, I have created a blog here (taa daa!) and will update at minimum, once a day and have three pictures per week. So that's what this is. Have fun, read my blog if you care about clothing or society and experiments on going against the norm. Or don't. I don't care.

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 02- A Happy Medium

Day Two

Ok- So I obviously can't be as casual as I normally am-my wardrobe is not equipped for it- but it's not like I'm going to be in a skirt every day. So today was more of a happy medium. It was casual but still nice- not sloppy like I usually prefer.

Do people even care? I mean, honestly! My friends quirked an eyebrow on the first day and then promptly decided it was just me being weird and no one mentioned it today. Well they're right, I guess. It is just me being weird. But still- I kinda wish someone would spend a minute to wonder about the sudden change. To mention it. I don't know why. I usually don't care about what people say or think. But here, because I'm putting myself out for people, I kinda want them DO something about it! I'm wearing my arse off to get everything bloody perfect and here they all are, totally icing (ignoring) me! Come on, people! Say something! Urgh. Whatever- moving on.

The run down!

Clothes: A black V-neck pullover topped with a pink splashed zebra print scarf, and white jeans.
Shoes: I really like the shoes; they have cute little star shaped charms and zippers (that don't help in the slightest, but whatever) and they glitter but not in an obnoxious "LOOK AT ME" kind of way.
Jewelry: My standard: the aluminum bracelet, silver ring, and the two charmed necklace- though the scarf basically covers it. (Speaking of necklaces- one of my friends is apparently allergic to hers but she doesn't want to stop wearing the darn thing even though it's making all around her neck green and black and slimy. Bleck. Hope you weren't about to eat something when I said that!). No earrings- the purple ones yesterday where rather large and my ears are a bit sore.
Make up: Mascara and the same "Too Faced: Celebrity Meltdown" lipstick. It stays well and it's a nice, deep color.
Hair: Hair down but with the bangs pulled to the side with a bobby pin. Simple and neat; not as formal as mt pulled back hair yesterday or a bun and not as casual as a ponytail or with my hair completely loose. But who am I kidding- it's pretty casual. And, actually, by the end of lunch I was like "nuh-uh", wrestled the bobby pins from my hair, and tossed them into my bag, which faithfully ate them up and will never spit them back out again.
Other: A sticker, which I got from the GSA, which proudly (get it? Pride? Haha?) "Obama Pride: LGBT" with a cute little rainbow thingie that's actually not overly cute and honestly a little boring but whatever.

Also! About the scarf!
 It's black and white (duh- zebra print) but has part of it dyed deep ink. Apparently, when that part is next to my neck and not hanging low, it looks like I'm bleeding from my neck- like in a Japanese horror movie. You know the ones, right? Where the voice overs are seconds away from what the people are saying and blood seems to splurt from severed body parts for minutes upon minutes until the poor actor just stumbled to his knees, curses out his attacker, and dies. (Speaking of cursing out his attacker... You know the old cartoon series kids could watch on "boomerang"? Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner or something? And how the roadrunner would say "meep meep!" whenever the coyote was chasing it and then dashed off faster than the speed of light? Yeah- so I always though the roadrunner was cursing out the coyote and they had to bleep it- even back when I was a little kid. Which I guess means I was an odd little kid if I thought children's show was full of cursing cartoon characters but... whatever. Poe and Stephen King were my  bedtime stories (legit!), if that tells you anything about me.)

And about my long sleeves
First of all, it's bloody cold at the bus stop and I'm NOT going to lug a heavy jacket around the school all day- I'll probably lose it. But that's besides the point. I'm glad that I'm wearing long sleeves because I'm been working more on my ASL (for those of you who don't know, that means American Sign Langauge; you can take online lessons or use a video dictionary at lifeprint. It's a great site, created by Bill Vicars- and I've been using it pretty extensively for over a year but just settled in to the lessons recently. In fact- I've started teaching some of my friends!) Anyways- in case you don't understand how that's relevant... I like to wear bracelets, especially metallic ones that glint in the light, and sparkly rings. Do you have any idea how distracting it is to see a ring glint on someone's finger when you're trying to sign with them? It's zetta (really) hard. So even though my sleeves won't hide a ring, they do cover bracelets and I can take the ring off. So, yeah, I'm glad about that.

Sneak Peek!
Well, I know you're all on the edge of your seats waiting to see what my next outfit is going to be (not) so here's a sneak peek. Not of my next ensemble- you're just going to have to wait for that! I know, poor you! And I got your hopes up and everything. But I do have something to show you. Like the cat ears, I found another beauty on the wonderful etsy. Remember the cat ears by FiveLeafClover? Well I found a hair stick (the kind you stick through buns), topped with beautiful purple metal flowers. I don't know if I'll get it in time to wear during the 621 (this is going to be one of the last times I explain this- the 621 is short for the six items, two weeks, one challenge. Which I plaster all over this darn blog so if you haven't figured it out yet- just smile and nod!) but I hope I get it in time. If not, I'm still excited to get it at all!

created and photographed by MoonHawkCreations

So I'll see y'all tomorrow
Until then,
S. Dorsey, 6th period

Post Scriptum: 
[jumps up and down like a spazz}

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