
Welcome to my blog. It's for the "Six Items or Less" challenge. So basically, I choose six articles of clothing and besides underwear and jackets and shizz, I can only wear these six items for two weeks. The original challenge is for a month but this two week trial is for my sociology class. As required for this project, I have created a blog here (taa daa!) and will update at minimum, once a day and have three pictures per week. So that's what this is. Have fun, read my blog if you care about clothing or society and experiments on going against the norm. Or don't. I don't care.

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Thursday, October 11, 2012

6 items, 2 weeks, 1 challenge: An intro

 Greetings, Earthlings

Okay- so this is technically for school, right? But  that doesn't mean that it has to be totally slaggerific (bogus). I can have a totally swerval (cool) blog if I want to. And I do. So (DRUM ROLL PLEASE) welcome to my blog. This is for the SIX ITEMS OR LESS CHALLENGE. Basically, I have to choose six items of clothing (not including underwear, shoes, pajamas, accessories, etc) and only wear a combination of those six items for the next two weeks. For sociology, I have to keep a blog to record my experiences while I'm trying this experiment so (TAAA DAAA) this is it. If I use any words that aren't exactly, uh, English, I'll try to remember to put a translation in parentheses.

So What's My Normal Style?
Clothing: Jeans or cargo pants, tee-shirts, and kicks that are totally falling apart around my ankles.
Hair: Loose about my shoulders or in a messy ponytail.
Jewelry: The same set of jewelry every day: a thin aluminum bracelet stamped with an inside joke, a ring of two silver faeries and a Celtic knot on my right hand, and a necklace with two charms. One of them is a Nordic symbol for friendship and the other is a piece of rainbow colored plastic with a crude hole chopped through it.
Shoes: I pick a pair of kicks and then I wear them until they die a slow and painful death.

Well, I don't think it'll be too hard for me. I don't care too much for fashion or fads. But I do think that I will get frustrated with the lack of choices. Or perhaps I will rejoice in the worry-free aspect of this challenge.
Also: for some people, this seems to be about will-power because they need to wear the newest sparkling things and keep up with fashions. I'm more inclined to feel comfortable and keep with MY norm, not SOCIETY'S norm. So I don't think this will be an experiment on willpower for me. And I won't be scrambling to "make up" for the lack of keeping up with fads. I'm okay with being fashion-missing. It'll be more of a "let's see if anyone notices" thing than anything else. I'm actually zetta (uber) excited about this. I think I'll be able to keep it up.

What I THOUGHT My Six Items Would Be...
1. A pair of black jeans. They're long (they drag a bit on the floor when I'm barefoot- not that I'll be barefoot at school!) but not very exciting. Just plain black jeans with deep pockets.
2. A pair of white jeans. They have rhinestones on the back pockets but not in a "LOOK AT ME; LOOK AT ME" kind of way, in a more subtle "cute, eh?" kind of way- if that makes any sense at all?
3. A pair of black cargo pants. They have pockets on the front and back, like normal pants, but it also has one on my right leg. The pants don't go all the way to my ankles, more like somewhere between my knee and my ankle. They're a bit of an odd material but I like them well enough.
4.  A dark purple shirt. It's a cheapie tee-shirt from Old Navy with a round neck-line and short sleeves. I have two of them and I'm allowed to use them both-for laundry purposes and all- so I chose this shirt. Besides, I love purple. Even dark, almost gray-ish purple.
5. A dark-ish green shirt. I got this one from Old Navy too, but it has a V-neckline. It's also short sleeved (I'm going to be really cold, huh?).
6. A pink shirt. ALSO from Old Navy (see- I told you I didn't care about fashion!). It's bright pink, with the same V-neck as the green shirt, and also short sleeved. Thankfully, jackets don't count as an item and the school crazy cranks up the heat. So, I'm all good!

What My Six Items Actually Are
1. The same pair of white jeans. They're adorable- white with sparklies on the back pockets- but they're covered up by most of the shirts that I'm wearing, since they're longer.
2. The same pair of black jeans. I've always been a fan of these jeans and I want the ability to dress down at little and be a little more casual, even if it'll still be paired with a cute, new top.
3. A black V neck pull-over. Very cute, new. Something I don't usually wear. It's from Old Navy (what in my wardrobe isn't?) but it doesn't look the tee-shirts I also got there. It's a nice outfit. It's long sleeved but the material is relatively thin and breathable.
4. A purple V neck pull-over. In the same style as the shirt above. Very soft, long sleeved, nothing like my usual casual clothing.
5. A black boat neck top. Also Old Navy but also very nice, not something casual or cheapie or lazy looking, not at all. Has little buttons at shoulders- so cute!
6. A deep blue pencil skirt. Not to knees but far passes dress code- unlike quite a few girls at our school. Will probably be worn with black tights- mostly because it's getting cold.
I know. It doesn't match my self described "normal style", unlike what I thought my items would be. I don't know why. I just fell in love with this skirt and the tops came after and now I don't know what in the world is going to happen. But I'll sure confuse some people, since most of my friends have never seen me in a skirt- and now I'll be wearing one multiple times in two weeks. 

Accessories/Outfits I'm Looking Forward To
Ehh, there's not one that I'm like "OMG- I NEED TO WEAR THIS". I don't make an impact with clothing- for the most part. Well, that's not exactly true. There is one thing I do want to wear with my white jeans... cat ears. They're hand made (BUT NOT BY ME) and I got them on Etsy a few months ago and I've only worn them once to school- even though they are totally fantastically beautifully perfect.
The Cat Ears- made and photographed by FiveLeafClover on Etsy
And while I'm talking about accessories- I just got a pair of dangling earrings with dark purple disks and silver colored hoops and all sort of pretty, shiny things. They're cute; I zetta (really) love purple. And I have a dark blue scarf (my brother gave it to me) that matches my blue pencil skirt perfectly; so I'll probably switch up my black on blue outfit a bit with that.

Also, it was mentioned that some people go all out on make up because they feel plain wearing the same clothing day after day and they want to be able to do something that stands out and looks good and makes them feel confident. I don't do makeup much. I like makeup on my eyes (shadows, liners, mascara) but I rub my eyes a lot and my eyes get watery when I get excited about something, which is a humungo fail when I'm wearing mascara because I end up with raccoon eyes. So I'll probably do funky hairstyles or something. And maybe some lipstick. Maybe.

Shoes Are A Girl's Best Friend
I got some new shoes.
Cheetah print sperrys, black wedges, gray and purple sperrys, and funky shoes with zippers and cute charms and cool sparkly silver stripes. Much better than wearing the same pair of shoes until they die, eh? I actually have choices and I'm going to try to match them with my outfits- or maybe purposely so that they DON'T go with my outfits. I've not decided yet.

Well, until next time-
S. Dorsey. 6th period.

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