
Welcome to my blog. It's for the "Six Items or Less" challenge. So basically, I choose six articles of clothing and besides underwear and jackets and shizz, I can only wear these six items for two weeks. The original challenge is for a month but this two week trial is for my sociology class. As required for this project, I have created a blog here (taa daa!) and will update at minimum, once a day and have three pictures per week. So that's what this is. Have fun, read my blog if you care about clothing or society and experiments on going against the norm. Or don't. I don't care.

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 05-Proud but Pained

Day Five

Mmmm, mmhhm mmmmmn mnnn. Mmm mnmm mmmnmmm mmmmn. Mmm mmh. Mmmhn.

That's right. For those of you who saw me today, I wasn't ignoring you. I just couldn't talk. Yesterday, I got I got some fun work done at the dentist- slicing and dicing, drilling and filling. Remember the friend I was telling you about- the one who I was teaching ASL? It made explaining things much easier, since I couldn't open my mouth at all this morning. Not before the pain pills kicked in.

The outfit
Hair: Down- I'm not dealing with any hassle today. Pain makes me more irritable than I usually am.
Jewelry: My two charmed necklace, faerie ring, and aluminum bracelet. I'm sticking with what I know and what comforts me when I'm in pain.
Accessories: None.
Makeup: None.
Clothing: The purple pull-over. My black jeans.
Shoes: My gray shoes with the zippers- they're both the most interesting and the most comfortable.
Other: I sprizted myself with a valerian and lavendar spray- it's kinda musty smelling and it's not a common scent- but I prefer to fruity perfumes.

created by Nabisco/Oreo to support gay equality

Remember the rainbow necklace charm that I told you about? Yeah, so I've been wearing it since I made it and in the past two or so weeks, I've gotten quite a few comments on it. I think the Pride festival opened peoples' eyes to the rainbowy gay-ness around them. People have been asking me if I went to Pride or if it was for pride and all sorts of prideful questions and, unlike some of the anti-homosexual sentiments at school, I've been given encouraging smiles and kind words. It's hard to be open, sometimes, about anything- especially something as controversial as sexuality. And it's great that people are starting to go "good for you".

Okay- so I mentioned the dentist yesterday. Yeah? So they really decided to make sure I remember the lessons they're trying to trill into my thick skill- and my sore mouth. My cheek/gums blaze like hellsfire whenever I open my mouth or move my jaw. It's gotten better, some, by now, but I couldn't do very much at all this morning. Just signed, mimed, and generally looked like an idiot while my few signing friends translated.

Anyone there?
My stats are reflecting that I've been getting more and more page views but still, I don't have any comments. People have been looking at my blog in Germany, Russia, the United Kingdoms, and the United States. From what I can tell, some of them multiple times. But they're just shadows, ghosts, afterimages, until they leave a response. I don't know what I'm doing well, what I'm doing poorly, what I'm rambling far too much about, etc. Come on, peoples! Let my know what's up, what's down, what's side to side. If you haven't noticed- I'm an odd duck.

The hair stick
I got the hair stick today. And oh my gods, it's beautiful. Abso-bloody-lutely beautiful. If you couldn't tell from the picture, it has "chain mail" flowers-in the most vivid purple I've ever seen-and the stick is comparatively thin, so that it isn't too heavy for my hair. I don't have a ton of hair. I mean, my hair is thick and I thought it was at a decent length but apparently it's not quite long enough for a respectable bun. I can make a bun and the hair stick stays up but the bun is small and the stick looks like it's an awkward length, even though it's really not. That kinda bugs me, actually, but hair will get longer and the hairstick will look more and more natural. Because I do plan on wearing hairsticks more. I know I'll need to grow my hair out more than I'm used to- and more than I really like to. But  I like being different and these are unique and beautiful and I like that they clack when I shake my head. XD But I did not like that they clanked against the metal ankh I have hanging in my doorway, because I thought I had ducked enough but apparently not! I'm currently wearing it with the purple pulloever and it's like the same purple- it's very nice. I can't wait to wear the haistick to school- I think it will take outfits that are starting to get kinda boring and make them more interesting.

Old Navy
Apparently, Old Navy is a big "no no" for clothing. But has anyone seen their newest clothing lines? They're adorable! Okay, maybe I have no fashion sense usually, but I think some of these are both appealing attractive to both me and the prissy masses and they're comparatively affordable. I really like them; a majority of my wardrobe comes from Old Navy- what's so wrong with that?

This one might be a bit short, by my standards, but it's not too bad, and I'm tired. I'm done, for now. I'll talk to y'all later.

Another one bites the dust,
S. Dorsey, 6th period

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