
Welcome to my blog. It's for the "Six Items or Less" challenge. So basically, I choose six articles of clothing and besides underwear and jackets and shizz, I can only wear these six items for two weeks. The original challenge is for a month but this two week trial is for my sociology class. As required for this project, I have created a blog here (taa daa!) and will update at minimum, once a day and have three pictures per week. So that's what this is. Have fun, read my blog if you care about clothing or society and experiments on going against the norm. Or don't. I don't care.

S. Dorsey, 6th period

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 14- EndGame

Day Fourteen

It's the last day of the 621, which was a bubbly enough experience, and now I got one of my biggest challenges of the two week period. I was invited to a Hallowe'en party for tonight and I want to dress up some without breaking the 621.

The rundown
Hair: Messy ponytail, bangs around my face
Makeup: Only the dark lipstick and mascara
Clothing: My white jeans and black boat neck top
Shoes: The cool zippered ones
Accessories: My white cat ears clipped into my hair (their white goes is accentuated by the black top) and my black and pink fox tail (their dark color is accentuated by the white jeans).
Jewelry: My dual charmed necklace and my silver ring, my dangly purple earrings, and a white ribbon "collar" around my neck with a little white bow twisted in front.
Other: A few cat toys to bat around.

What I've learned
As I mentioned, this has been a really bubbly (eye opening) challenge and I found it relatively easy, compared to some of my friends at least, but I still learned some.

First of all- not everyone has a stuffed wardrobe. People don't always have choices upon choices when they dress themselves. They might only have six items of clothing, or even less. But you can still feel pretty in six items. You can still make each outfit unique and different and fresh, with some thought and effort. One accessory can transform an outfit and a shirt paired with a new pair of jeans can look like a totally new shirt. It's not always easy to get by with six items of clothing, but it is possible. You can overcome that.

Also- it's hard to be someone you're not. I'm usually in casual clothing and so people overlook me. I'm not being myself in that guise either because I'm not plain or boring or normal. I'm zany and goofy and crazy. But then again, I'm just as out of place wearing nicer clothing. And I'm not even in dresses or anything crazy fancy. Except for the skirt, it's all jeans and a nice tops. But that's still more than I usually do. I've bothered with a little bit of makeup and kicks that aren't falling apart.

So I look better and I'm still not dressed as me (except today, with my cat ears. XD Then I zetta look otaku) but I think I like it better than cargo pants and tees. I got compliments, for one, which are nice, especially when you're not used to them. So I might keep wearing nicer clothing. I have some- I just never wore it before.

Sometimes change is good, even needed, but there is something to be said for things staying the same. I'm not still talking about changing my wardrobe or not. Now, I'm just talking about how secure it is to wear the same basic thing for two weeks. This is going to sound really stupid but you can trust these clothes. You've been through two weeks with them. You know that you can pull them off and match them up with something. You know that you can depend on them. Isn't that stupidly sentimental? But it's true. I feel comfortable in these clothes now. I got a lot of compliments on them; I know they're cute. They feel right against my skin, like you when wear the same piece of jewelry for a long time and then feel weird not wearing it.

People notice change. They like you to fit in with their norms and they'll encourage it at every chance. I wore nice-ish clothes for the first time since middle school, except for some isolated occasions. Me wearing something besides cargo pants or grass stained jeans is something different for me but not so different from people are used to. And now that my clothes are fitting in more , people can't wait to tell me how good it looks. But really, aren't they just glad I'm not sticking out? Not everyone, of course. Some people just like letting me know I look nicer, but people I don't know, don't talk to, argue with at times- they just want me to be less of an oddity.

Things can surprise you. I thought this would be tedious and that I would be yearning for my normal clothes after just a few days. There are some times that I wanted to wear other clothes- but they weren't cargo pants. A black dress with gray floral print, a nice pink and gray outfit that I'll be wearing tomorrow, a pair of blue pants- nicer things than I usually wear. And I didn't really miss my cargo pants, though I did get to wear them yesterday for our first responder drill.

But there wasn't a single day when I seriously considered dropping the challenge and I found it getting easier and easier, not harder, even to the point of boredom. But that's just me, I guess. It's not a boring challenge. It really isn't. But I'm always trying to think up some new things to do- which is limited by this challenge. But, as I said, not to such a point that I became frustrated.

Totus Tuus (Latin: Totally yours),
S. Dorsey, 6th period

featured on theillixer

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